Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Vision.

My name is Garalt Canton.  I am self employed and work on a part time basis holding down several part-time jobs.  Like many other people I find it increasingly difficult to source the necessary work and income to make ends meet and certainly Austerity is not helping. Monetary wealth had been cut off from the majority of workers to shore-up the continuing activities of banks as if banks were the most essential engine of wealth generation in our societies.

So I wanted to see just how I would be able to source other forms of wealth. I researched, I learned about how energy and technology could provide the means for me and others like me to get some Euros or dollars or whatever currency into my account when I had my 'eureka!' moment.

A 'eureka!' moment is that moment some people have when they manage to visualize or find the words to accurately describe a problem leading to a search for its solution. In the classic Ancient Greek example of 'eureka!' moments, the philosopher Archimedes noticed that the level of water in his bath rose as his body displaced it as he climbed in. Visualizing this in his mind's eye, he saw a 

means to make water rise up above its level by use of a spiral which trapped the water in cells and physically carried it safely to be released higher up.  This led to improved irrigation, water storage and hydro-motive engines.  In a city state as arid as Athens, this enabled the society to expand into deeper Attica leading to the coast and to think of having a navy and founding a Hellenistic world; all from one 'eureka!' moment.  

A vision changes everything, even something as banal as the Archimedian Screw.  

So what was my 'eureka!' moment?

It was a vision which brought the entire edifice of Capitalism crashing down before my eyes to reveal something wonderful beyond it.  Literally, the Greek-style column and pediment structure we all interpret as 'authority' formed a barrier to a completely new vision: a glittering column like the trunk of a stylized tree made of fairy lights ending with an explosion of points like branches out from it: like a galactic vortex. I at once saw what it signified and what it meant about capitalism and authority.

The vision both accurately defined the problem and provided the solution at the same moment. Since it was a vision it happened in mental images but I have managed to write about it's meaning on this blog so here is the abridged version:

Problem: Money isn't actual wealth. Solution: People are.
Problem: Profit doesn't actually exist.  Solution: Abundance does.
Problem: Scarcity based economy doesn't nurture. Solution: Participatory economy does. 

This is a statement which cut so deeply across our culture and our education it was akin to declaring an unholy trinity of blasphemies in a theocracy. Having said it aloud, I was in the very lonely place of having to argue for  against a global culture designed and dedicated to the worship of money, profit and economic control.

I started out hating the system of money and profiteering, and wondering just how deeply ingrained and evil the 'illumati' were: IMF, ECB, Federal Reserve and Bilderberg Groups.

Like many other people I witnessed a shocking and ruthless series of calculations being made by secretive people who had already factored in nightmare scenarios such as peak oil and water, the polarization of peoples, the wasting of the natural world, constant warfare and the culling of billions of human beings to retain control over the world's resources and people. 

It got me thinking "How can they possibly agree with these things?" which lead me to wonder "What alternatives do these people have?"

Like a judge forced into making an unjust ruling based upon legal precedent, I saw that they didn't have any alternatives. The science they were employing, the science that employ them didn't allow for alternatives.  The concept of letting go of the synthetic scarcity of currency and the profound need for economic control horrified them more than W.W.III.

The problem is in modern politics: It is an expensive business getting elected into office at all levels. The power to decide how a civilization moves no longer rests with western government but with a cadre of 'interests' who have invested in politics for their own purposes. These 'interests' may as well be six foot tall, shape-shifting extraterrestrial lizards because the decisions they have imposed are just as ruthless and anti-future. So, I wondered, "Why are they so hell bent on this hopeless dystopia?"

The answer also came to me in a flash.  It was because they had not received a vision of how the world could be. It wasn't that my vision disagreed with their vision, it was that they had no vision.

There is no ultimate goal to these frankly megalomaniac actions, it is simply the logical continuation of what has happened before.  In short, the supposed secret masters of the world have become imprisoned in the same trap that seeks to contain humanity.  They obey a system of belief which has no interest in nurturing life but in generating profit.  

My three-point vision is a powerful threat to the established tradition.  So, given their immense power, wealth and influence, I don't stand a chance, being just one guy who is threading water financially and professionally.

Then something astonishing happened.  

Other people started speaking out like me.  I wrote my first Open Letter (Q&A) back in September 2011 just as Occupy began their sit-in in Zuccotti park.  I wondered how come so many people could rapidly come together from such disparate backgrounds and situations to speak with one voice.

But Occupy didn't speak with one voice.  It was a group of people who did not elect.  There was no leadership, there were no elite group of experts guiding the protesters; they each had their general grievances which all coalesced around one central idea:

"We are the 99%"

So, was this a true revolution?

According to Aristotle a revolution results in one of two outcomes:
1) Complete change from one constitution to another

2) Modification of an existing constitution 

Neither happened.
We are not living in a post-capitalist society and capitalism is just as recognizable to Gordon Gekko today as it was back in 1987.  

So, what did happen?
If the protest in Zuccotti park and all over the western world didn't effect change to capitalism did it effect any other kind of change?

In a way it effected a change far greater than overturning how our world is ruled; the change is profound and it is gradual. The Occupy Movement as well as the other protest to revolt movements of the twenty first century brought to mind the period at the end of the 18th Century in Europe. Then as now, people's central protest was their anger at being ruled badly by a small group of plutocrats.

In some countries this anger has overturned tyrants but in others it has handed power to tyrants.  Yet, something happened in each one of these places; the very same expression occurred.


"We are.... the 99%"
"We are.... all Khaled Said"
"We are.... anonymous"
"We are.... all made of stars"
"We are.... one"

The seed of an idea had been given to many, many people experiencing many, many different lives and struggles. They each embraced the idea into their own identity.  They didn't say "We are like" they didn't say "We want", they said  "We are...".

Where once revolutionaries said "I am", protesters are saying "We are" - "I" has become "We" 

Slowly, organically these people have incorporated a genuinely new state of mind into the self.  They had given up their finite selves and felt inspired to coalesce without unifying behind one ideology or political movement. I have seen them organize themselves, using the most important tool available to them, their own ideas and knowledge. They are participating without being told to, without being shown how to, they are just sharing their own stories.

Over the last two years I have witnessed the revolution in education access to children all over the world, the revolution of people improving their own lives using shared resources, exploring alternative energy in their own potting sheds; I have witnessed the birth of "We".        

When I thought of my vision I saw again that vortex spinning and expanding out into an astonishing open-ended reality.  There is no capstone to this reality.  There is no end.  "We" is the expression of humanity learning to think not like 'selves' but thinking as a species. 

The pediment is gone, the columns are gone.  There is just the vortex of billions of lights.  

My vision is already a reality.  The bomb has gone off but it expands so slowly that what it is destroying cannot even notice it. 

Victor Hugo said it best:

An idea simply exists. Many people can have the same general idea at the same time. Ideas have been shown to manifest at certain times in our history to people without physical contact to one another.  The term 'inspiration' is most commonly used in connection with finding an idea. Brought by 'the spirit'.

This is something that I want to explore further but I sense that ideas and, more importantly, visions seem too have a life of their own independently of the human race. We may be the only species capable of inspiration, we may not be; our communication with other species is sadly lacking (I will write on this further later) but I am convinced that ideas that have been found by humans are shared and grow through the sharing into becoming coherent political or social visions.

People who have received a vision, tend to be changed by it.  I have been changed by this vision. I can see a world very close which expands into space and communicates with other sentient beings and sentiences that are not beings. We have already shown our sensitivity to this kind of energy, vibration, muse of fire, call it what you will.

The vision is here.

Mankind is waking up and will not be put back into the harness. There is nobody who doesn't matter, we all matter.  We are all forming a neural network not just over the internet but in our actions and our need to 'share'.  

If I may, I would like to add another "We" statement to the ones you have already heard.

We are Zodi.  

Sunday, January 27, 2013

100% + 13months = 1000 years

This is a monthly update on my blog from January the 1st 2012 which was snappily entitled: which brought you here.

On Jan 1st 2013 – I posted a quick update via my webcam on the 100% blog with the good news that came in the last 12 months which somehow got lost among all the doom and gloom present in the 'mainstream' media.

One question: Seeing as how more information currently passes through the internet on a person to person basis or person to many via social networks and viral memes and videos than could possibly be ever given via all the news channels put together, who is the actual mainstream now?

I propose to you that it is us; those people who switched off the television and got communicating.

Back to the point of this month's update; words and pictures this time, I promise.

I work in money, you?
Goldman Sachs, don't you judge me!

Well, just like January 1st the good news just keeps on coming but somehow the industry leaders and economic thinkers of the world all descended on Davos in Switzerland to huddle together and confer (Translation: Party like Romanovs on speed.) after which, they came back with the same patter: “Austerity is beginning to work and there is some small hope of a recovery if we continue on the same path and take the medicine.” 

 How's Austerity going for you? Me, neither.  Austerity is simply a cull of the uppity middle classes.

So, the politicians, economists, actuaries and industrialists are not the solution. They never could be, because the means by which they hold power are the very means that is actively destroying our world's ability to support us. The world in which they hold all the cards is melting faster than the polar ice caps and they know it. Like a six year old who hasn't thought it through just don't know how to get out of this lie.

Here's what they should really be debating in Davos once the champagne, canapé and cocaine induced megalomania clears:

  1. In the last 50-100 years our planet lost on third of its vertebrate species. This rate of extinction is still increasing.

  2. The planet is heating up and weather events are becoming more violent as witnessed over the last three months.

  3. Our natural fuel resources are running out to the point where we actually are sacrificing the land and water we need to survive just to extract less than a decade's worth of gas from shale and tar sands.

  4. We have shamelessly neglected international justice and human rights in former subject nations. Result: implacable enmity among nuclear powers, international terror campaigns and a profound mistrust of the western system of justice which will not easily go away. If we create a sewer, we must expect rats.

  5. We have given rights to fictional 'persons' and simultaneously stripped our own species of any rights, dignity and hope.

  6. Our food and water chain is impossibly degraded with toxins, bacterial infections and pollutants. Super bugs predicted less than a decade ago are already here even in the most developed of nations.

So we cut down all of this.... we could construct this.

Pink is the new 'Hell on Earth'
Sushi just got cheaper.

And I DO mean 'We' and not 'Them'...

We who cling to our democratic power of the vote and our economic might of purchasing choice. Like that's going to stop anything!
How democratically powerful did you feel over the last 12 months knowing that only two political parties in the US may contest a presidential election? 
That nations who voted against further EU powers were told to vote again and get it right? 

How economically powerful do you feel now you are forced to buy shop brand food (industrially processed by economic serfs, laden with dangerous chemicals and, in the case of animal husbandy, just down right cruel and perverted) to meet the household budget?

One year and thirty days ago I wrote: “We are trapped in a herd which will probably kill us.”

I was wrong. 

We are trapped in a herd which will definitely kill us, if we allow it.

Then as now I proposed a peaceful and viable solution. I explained the principles of this new way, I explained the system of trade using energy as a currency which would empower every person to generate his or her own wealth and guarantee a life of abundance to the next generation of human beings. I revealed a vision of our future in harmony with the mechanism of our world and our galaxy. 

I even gave it a name: Zodi.

Many people read my blog and began to think critically about the Platonic cave we live within. Many did not read my blog but they have experienced "WTF?" moments in their own lives and have searched for small, home-tech solutions to the energy crisis, the political crisis, the financial crisis and the judicial crisis. We have an established class of people who are still being called 'activists' as opposed to 'freethinkers' by the frankly perfidious media.

So I'm going to reiterate my post with some handy updates and speak more specifically about what needs to happen over the next 10 years without delay. Delay kills more of those very vital species we will soon need.

Here are my solutions for the next decade: If even three of these happen within the next ten years then this coming decade will be remembered as 'the dawn of a golden age'.

What we need to do immediately:
  • Prioritize the search for clean energy abundance above all other interests. With abundant clean energy comes the means to undo much of the damage we have caused. Fossil fuels do nothing but harm.

  • Start building consumer durable items that are designed away from dependence on fossil resources and non recyclable materials.  Actually, don't start!

  • Prioritize the peace between nations (seeing as it's such a wrench to leave the herd altogether), failing that, scrap the concept of exclusive nationality and allow people the right to multiple nationalities and freedom to leave societies that terrorize them. .

  • Prioritize political stability for all by focussing upon the brewing injustices and corrupting regimes in the developing and developed world. The continual fire fighting that we currently engaged in is a serious and unsustainable drain on resources and wealth. Nip all these conflicts in the bud by arbitration in a peace forum and both or all at the same time...

  • Attack the money of any agency, nation, industry or ideology which seeks to impose its goals upon other peoples by force and proxy war. Again, this includes developed nations as well as developing. We must make war unprofitable!

  • Encourage cross cultural fertilization wherever possible. The scientific community does this already and look what strides they have made. We are all capable of this. 15 year old schoolgirls in Lagos, Nigeria developed an engine that runs on human urine. Why have they not been invited to the DuPont Labs or MIT?

  • Encourage more social contact hours between all adults. Energy abundance will change the concept of labour and pay forever. “Get a job!” will be soon be replaced with “Develop a life path!” adapt to that. The workforce must have a chance to learn how to deal with less labour intensive jobs and more socially connected work. Any age group can do this and people even enjoy it.  Let's work for us and not for a fantasy called 'the consumer'.

  • Use a wider, more positive future vision for all decisions taken from now in the personal sphere right up to the global sphere. We have a bright and long future ahead of us. WWIII is not inevitable and there really are no zombies!

  • Ensure the concept of economy is integrated into the wider vision of human destiny to expand out from this world and to ultimately colonise many, many worlds.
    Please,  no more Austerity, it is a sticking plaster for a financial gunshot wound. The banks have been bailed out but they will fail again. Banks should be free to trade like everyone else in energy an open energy market to replace their present failing markets such as....

  • The International Bond Market – I just couldn't make this up, a market where governments sell their unpaid debts to speculators? National Debt is not a commodity to be traded. It is simply doping unfit economies beyond their capacity to repay and stealing from our children. Our descendants will NOT pay these bonds, these are junk bonds.  Please stop doping economies.  If speculators want a stake in any country, they should invest in private infrastructure projects.

  • Impose a universal standard for plug in plug out rechargeable batteries for electrical cars so that the motor industry is kick-started into action building away from fossil fuel dependency and converting existing fossil fuel vehicles. If we did it in the 80's with catalytic converters we can do it now.

    What we need to stop doing immediately:

  • Borrowing from each other with imaginary money. It's not real wealth. 

  • Impoverishing our populations to pander to a skittish and worthless financial game. If the stock exchanges of the world ceased to exist tomorrow.  What would change?  Nothing.

  • Referring back to previous wars. If you didn't fight in it, move on.  Nationality is not guide to ethics and morality.

  • Respecting past structures which are incapable of survival in an energy and information abundant world. We don't have workhouses, debtor prisons and dark, satanic mills any more so it can be done.

  • Assuming that future generations will support our current wasteful lifestyles, they won't. They will have bigger challenges to face and they need all the resources and energy we can give them..

  • Pandering to the threat of legal action from vested interests out to block change, these interests will find other ways to feather their nests.  Don't worry about them.

  • Playing to an increasingly dangerous and violent geopolitical endgame. I refuse to die to enrich some self appointed master of the world or empire builder and, given the choice, I suspect at least six billion other people are with me.

To our leaders: Here is an agenda for you. Digest and get to work.

In order of urgency:

  1. A universal review of business and industry – especially with regards to trading licences. Commercial licenses will now be subject to 'points' and revoking of trading rights of those organisations which have cause harm to human beings, water tables, air quality, flora and fauna, weather systems and political stability in the entire world. Car drivers receive points on their license and are banned from driving if they are reckless, dangerous or unfit to drive – the same now should happen for the drivers of our economies and our world.

  2. The signing of an International Biosphere Viability Treaty in which degradation of our biosphere is outlawed and this ban is enforced with military power if necessary. This is a greater world emergency than nuclear weapons proliferation, drugs and extreme religion combined. It really is that urgent.

  3. The profit motive being banned from any biosphere critical system – this includes energy generation, military research and resource gathering. Again, profiteering at the planet's expense is an act of mass destruction and cannot be tolerated by the International Community. This damage is being inflicted upon our work over money which has a fluid value at best and no value in reality. All profit is imaginary.

  4. Editing the Internal Combustion Engine out of the developed world. Electrical solutions are now currently available for all small to mid sized engines (including trucks). Hydrogen engines are available for large scale vehicles such as Air Transport and Construction and Military vehicles. - A note to the world's military: if you are dependent on fossil fuels to engage in war, you have already lost that war.

  5. Get serious on Energy Development. The materials are to hand. Wind, Solar, Wave, Thermal exchange, Hydroelectric are all available to be invested in since the 70's. Open up the energy market to small, medium and national organisations now and let's generate some real wealth.

  6. Develop better 21st Century Solutions to the energy question: kinetic energy, fusion energy, exo-planetary energy and bioforce energy.  It's the third millennium and it's incumbent upon us to ensure our species sees a fourth.

  7. Pledge to provide positive energy abundance for all to be guaranteed free from profiteering and, from that base, guarantee healthy food, clean water, free heat/cooling, appropriate shelter, security and education for all for the next 1000 years.  If the Romans could do it so can we.

  8. Upgrade education as a motive force for human ingenuity and creativity and not as an inculcation process into any current status quo (which are all corrupt and inherently ephemeral). If we do not allow for our natural problem solving capacity to flow the sake of outmoded prejudices and 'traditions' we will surely perish having denied ourselves those necessary breakthroughs that would have alleviated the pressure upon our biosphere.

  9. Analyse the causes and encourage the reconciliation of aggrieved parties in all conflicts on the planet. If it's important enough for them to kill for it then it is important enough for the international community to analyse and take all escalating factors out of the equation. (Investment into the conflict by outside agencies, governments, movements and private investors). This is real life, not Risk. End politically motivated tolerance of any developed world imperialism. Which leads to...

  10. Disband the UN Security council as the not-fit-for-purpose nuclear club it is and head straight to arbitration between belligerents with the weight of complete UN intervention as mandatory. This is not open to a vote. Atrocity renders the legality of a belligerent's agenda null and void. The days of raising vast armies to fight in attrition wars to satisfy the ambitions of individuals, governments and ideologies is now gone. Nobody alive today or born from this moment on will ever be considered legally liable to die for any cause. Conscripting humans against their will into a war machine musr be considered the same as slavery and an act of internal civil war.

  11. An audit of the military and industrial complex to ensure compliance with the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights. You read that right. If those making money from the slaughter of humanity don't like this they should look at the greater gains available in the point below. If we aren't fighting one another then what use can we make of all these technologies? How about.....?

  12. Establish a planetary space exploration and exploitation agency as well as a planetary defence force to be supported by 1% of world wealth. We are in the space age whether we choose to believe it or not.  let's treat this like any other critical world business because all the resources humanity could possibly ever need lie just beyond Mars.

  13. Change the political mindset for ever and embrace unified existence without the need for nations, inward targeted military conflicts and borders. Pave the way for a third millennium system of living for everyone. Be the generation who dared to change the world.  Because change is coming anyway and being the generation who chickened out and stole from their kids isn't nearly as impressive.

Right, that's the scolding over with, now for the good news:

We have solar power generating windows!

We have electric supercars!

We have kinetic engines!

We have ceramics that are as reliable as metals!

We have programmable nano tech!

We have even more viable exo planets than last month.

We have a breakthrough in energy to mass conversion. (Making matter weightless)

We  have 3D Printers! (with which some people are printing guns o-O  )

We have never occupied a moment in history with such rich potential.  A millennium of unfettered human discovery and expansion beckons.  Enough with the doom and gloom.  Enough with narrow national interest.  Enough with 'divide and conquer', Julius Caesar became a dictator and a tyrant thus he was rightly stabbed to death in the forum.

After Caesar, Rome got on just fine.

After Bilderburg, IMF, World Bank and ECB, this planet will do just fine.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Greetings from the Fifth Republic.

Two hundred and twenty three years ago ordinary people, sick of their negligent government which pandered to a tiny élite and denied them any prospects unless they knew the right people, marched from Marseilles on the Mediterranean coast to Paris.  Instead of finding their path blocked or stymied by local interests their  number swelled with every village and town they passed on the road to Paris.

Aux Armes Citoyens!

By the time the original Marseilles protesters got to Paris they no longer were part of a protest but they had formed an impromptu army easily capable of defeating the forces of the Aristocratic élite. The struggle was bloody and savage but the protesters (now revolutionaries) knew just how to direct their force.  In the centre of Paris was a massive keep, a prison for dissenters called the Bastille or "the bastion".  This Bastille was the physical stamp of the royal authority over the people of France.

By storming this imposing citadel of rock, the revolutionaries stabbed the state right at its heart.  Without a credible prison for its enemies, the Monarchy of France was effectively toothless.  What followed the Revolution was called "the terror" and for good reason.  As a new state structure was being formed, many skirmishes, reprisals and internecine warfare raged randomly around the state.  Aristocrats and their sympathisers were hunted down and executed.  A whole class and culture was excised from existence.

This was not a random happening, nor was it the product of Anarchy as many biased historians would have us believe.  The founding of the French Republic after the fall of the monarchy was a meticulously planned and ruthlessly realised takeover of power by the educated middle class.  The American Revolution and its Declaration of Independence must have served as a rallying call.  The long march from Marseilles to Paris afforded those ambitious and reckless enough to overthrow an entire civilisation time to coordinate their plans and ready their forces for action.

When one makes a detailed study of the French people and how they go to war, the statistics reveal that the war machine of this country enjoys the highest victory to battle ratio of any nation in the world - That's ratio so even relatively new countries like the US and Brazil are being counted.  They don't go to war on a whim.  Napoleon was not a syphilitic troll addicted to victory, rather he was the figurehead of a new world order with a philosophy, a mysticism, a scientific process and an economic model intact.

And they STILL won't defend Paris....

France finally left the Renaissance at the dawn of the 19th Century, skipped the Enlightenment altogether and entered the Industrial Age ahead of everyone else.  In this way; France became a world power to equal the United Kingdom, Russia and the Austro-Hungarian Empire.  Napoleon Bonaparte correctly adjudged this Empire as well as the Ottoman Empire to the East as the two power structures most likely to capitulate to a new tactic developed by the Corsican General: Total Mechanised Warfare.

Forget the Neo-Classical trappings and the Imperial Pretentions, Napoleon and his Empress Josephine were the world's first style icons in the modern sense of the term.  Their every decision was enormously influential, if Josephine allowed herself to be painted reclining barefoot upon a Madame Recamier chaise longue it was because she had researched the classical imagery and consciously sent out a signal to the people of France regarding her distinct lack of royal pretension. She walked barefoot in the sun like ordinary girls. If Napoleon Bonaparte took the imperial crown from the hands of the cardinal of Paris and crowned himself, he did so conscious of the symbolic ending of clerical authority over humanity.

God's anointed ruler over His people, the King, was dead and there would be no more Kings upon French soil. Likewise, the age of superstition and fear of the inquisition ended that moment.

If Beethoven originally composed his Eroica Symphony for Napoleon it was for this act of assertion alone.  Man had become God decades ahead of Nietzsche's first birthday and that man was Napoleon Bonaparte.  It comes as no surprise to me that the two world leaders named by Nostradamus explicitly as Anti-Christs in his Quatrains are Napoleon Bonaparte of the early 19th Century and Adolph Hitler of the early 20th Century.  That's actually physically named by someone who supposedly lived in the 1400's.  What to believe, what not to believe?

Unfortunately for us in the 21st Century the third and most powerful antichrist of them all is not named but Nostradamus says he is a blood descendant of Genghis Khan.  That would be something to go on, you might think but....

Who's YOUR daddy?

So, back to France and Bastille Day.

When we celebrate this date we remember a time when an entire way of life was ruthlessly cut down and ended.  There was no mercy for the aristocrats, their indifference to the suffering of the people was returned to them a thousand fold.  Revolution was a spirit of the age, a zeitgeist, if you will.  There were no reparations asked or offered, the monarchy had fallen within one lifetime of the incredible reign of "Le Roi Soleil" Louis XIV who commissioned the Louvre and Versailles.

All of what made France a nation of peasants prepared to eat snails and offal was done away with and a world power emerged and damned near took over the entire continent.

Are we back there now?  I think 'yes'.  I think our current system no longer serves the people. Keep an eye out for charismatic Mongols.

Bons Fêtes!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Be at Peace.

Cutting to the chase:  No matter how much we wish it were different we are fundamentally divided as a species.

This division offers us enormous potential but also robs us of direction.  Clearly, I have no desire to live on a world where the entire body of humanity is enslaved by the will of a tiny élite.  We did that throughout recorded history and such hierarchies never last.

So let's see if we can find a way to better harness the immense energy we possess without sacrificing the truly mind blowing variety and range of cultures we have developed over the history of civilisation.
The first challenge I see looming  over the next five years is the same challenge that we have been struggling with for the last thirty years, namely the violent struggle to control fossil fuels.  This struggle to have exclusive command over necessary resources is the base motive power to each regional conflict on our planet's surface.  Yes, we  disguise this fact with tribal, sectarian or political explanations but, at the core, we are killing one another for resources.

This is the tragedy of humanity: We are still fighting over the fresh kill and the clean water stream as if we never left the caves.

Therefore, if we are to come up with a system that doesn't degrade back to injustice, conflict and warfare we need to understand how we are compelled into violence in the first place.  Human beings are, first and foremost, predators.  Unlike other predators, humans have a separate awareness of self or 'Ego' as we put it.  This separate consciousness allows us to step back from any given situation, to analyse the possible short term outcomes and to anticipate scarcity in the near future. Scarcity creates a panic within the human being.

We humans anticipate, we have efficient, long-term memories that fixate upon the 'bad times',we have a sensitivity and an empathy for those of our 'kin' who will inevitably suffer from want and hunger and so we do what is necessary to ensure the safety of 'our people'. Worrying about the threat against our kin is the primary instinct of young females and staving off the threat against our kin is the primary instinct of young males. We are hard wired to fight our way out of a tight spot by aeons of continued existence on this planet.

We have only lived in a world devoid of other predators for less than one milennium. In the sub-continents of India and South America as well as the entire continent of Africa this relative protection from natural enemies has existed for less than five hundred years. The Sahara desert was once an enormous river valley that would dwarf the mighty Nile. We have been driven by desertification and failing river beds since before we even thought of leaving a record of our existence.

Understanding this helps us to appreciate that atrocities and outrages aren't simply the product of 'evil monsters' but a very natural instinct that resides within us all.  The militias and terrorist groups of the world exist fundamentally due to this principle of "protecting the herd" from want and attack.  Our world conspires in this tragedy by constantly changing the conditions of our existence over time.  It is not beyond the realms of possibility that within a few short decades, we could cause the Amazon river to become a desert area too.

There are people who are already gearing themselves up for a world of scarce fresh water and preparing their war machines to grab whatever water they can get by whatever means.  The fossil fuel necessary to keep our factories, auto mobiles and aeroplanes operating is also dwindling on a global scale given that the emerging economies have already hit maturity and will soon be followed by even more emergent economies.

The hegemony of BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) will be followed very quickly by Indonesia, Western and Southern Africa, The Thai / Malay Peninsula and the Hispanic States of Mesoamerica and Southern America.  These countries have shaken off their naïve foreign policies and will begin to work in tandem with one another to ensure the better distribution of their continental assets amongst themselves.  This is especially true of the Southern American states who now eye the Traditional West (US, UK & EU) as no longer the only game in town.

What BRIC has done is to introduce peaceful competition into the vast distribution of world goods and resources.  It is now incumbent upon the Traditional West to set aside its naïve foreign policy of "divide and conquer", of propping up a minority dictator over all the other people to control the assets of the country.  To continue to engage in this unjust and aggressive behaviour will result only in the dwindling of friendly markets for trade. By dealing 'fairly' with their trading partners using its vast monetary wealth, China has effectively placed its flag on the majority of Sub-Saharan resources and not one bullet was discharged.  

Every power base on the surface of this world has taken its model from the model of scarcity and exclusive control of resources.  Inevitably this will lead to a war of self interest which will slice the world's population in two at least.  That is, unless an alternative model can be found. It is in the Traditional West's interest to reveal this model before the barbarians actually storm the walls of Rome.

That system needs to be available to everyone and needs to be more attractive than enjoying exclusive control over resources which, I imagine, must be like trying to sleep in a semi detached house stuffed with treasure and jewels and everyone in your neighbourhood knows about it.

"Divide and Conquer" no longer works because there are no new worlds to conquer for the foreseeable future. Our universe is stuffed full of energy and once we control this energy, water can be made drinkable, food can be raised with respect for the soil it is grown upon and the diet of continents can become more balanced and healthy.

A new model needs to be developed around the reality of abundance and not the fear of scarcity.  I have some of the basic tenets of that model.  I am not alone, 2012 has seen a quiet revolution begin, a revolution which will change the world as surely as the Industrial Revolution changed the 18th and 19th Century worlds.  The Energy Revolution has begun.  The work of Nicolai Tesla is now the most searched for scientific subject on Google. I predict the world's first anti gravity drive, using our planet's own gravitational signal as it's motive power within the next five years (Even if I have to build it myself!).  This will remove the last barrier between us and the asteroid belt namely how devilishly hard it is to escape the gravitational pull of our world.

In ten years we will stand on Mars.  Fact.

So be at peace.....the answer is so simple and profound that no human created problem can possibly confound it.  We are Zodi. This was always going to happen.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Welcome Page

Thanks for linking to this letter.

The open letter to the 100% in four parts is clickable on the right hand column ---->

I expand on the letter a bit later but, I will try not to get too preachy.
I hope you find this blog opens some new ideas for you.  I am no expert in politics, technology, sociology or psychology.  That's not the point of this blog.  

I just have ideas and a vision that I would like to share with you.

What you do with this information is entirely up to you, it is open source.  That is to say, if the ideas I provide on this blog help you, give you ideas of your own or even inspire you to open a clean energy multinational corporation that will take over the NASDAQ, off you go.

My best regards to you, 

Garalt Canton  


Sunday, February 12, 2012

And now for something completely different...

How about some good news?
Happiness and security are decisions we make.  Our quality of life is entirely under our own control.

In the letter I quoted Mahatma Ghandi's great line "Be the change you want to see."  This is truer than we realise.  Change can only come from within.  Just like a known fact can never have the power of a mystery outside influences cannot move us as deeply and as powerfully as we can influence ourselves.  Positive thoughts open us to positive ideas which create positive solutions and result in positive lives.

This blog is officially "non-whiny" from now on.  I have something to share and it's an amazing breakthrough in the way I am.  The breakthrough is the simple acknowledgement that everything which impacts upon me I created. Whining over my lot in life or how the banks have damaged the economy or how governments have set us up to engage in resource warfare is a waste of energy.  

Understanding how things have gone wrong is important.  Diagnosing the illness is essential but the cure is always the same no matter what the issue.  We are the solution, not wind  power, not thorium, not an international consortium or military alliance.  We are the solution to all our problems and, in the spirit of this truth, I am concentrating my efforts and energy over the next year to the following steps:

  • Deriving as many real world solutions as my imagination and knowledge reveals to me.
  • Securing my lifestyle here in Montpellier through my creative powers and ability to speak.
  • Making contact and brainstorming as many people as I can via social networks to create virtuous circles.
  • Forwarding the Open Source concept as the best model for developing a new way of life through example and practical work.
  • Exploring the idea of being Zodi and removing the 'I' from thought and action so that the possibility of a new form of thought occurs.
That last step is probably going to be the trickiest as I'm a massive egomaniac but I shall endeavour nevertheless.  It is a good path to be on. It's a rigorous path and it has some dark corners but, ultimately, it is the path I choose to tread and there fore it is my own creation.

This is all good news considering where I have come from:

Two years ago I hit rock bottom emotionally and financially.  It took me a good year and the move to a new town to lift me out of that dark place. Montpellier is a fantastic place to live and it is bristling with opportunity and energy.  That's where my human energy idea came from in the first place. Carcassonne could never have revealed such an idea to me because it is too sedate a place.  So, yes, it's an insecure life but it is a lived life which is definitely what I have chosen. My choices brought all of this into being.

Fear, poverty, unemployment, depression, envy, frustration  I chose all of these things.  I brought them into being  through choosing.   Security, both emotional and social is also a choice I can make.  Wealth, real wealth is a choice I can make.  Contentment and freedom from envy is a choice I can make.  I can choose virtuous actions and relationships every second of my life.  So why don't I?


I choose to thrive. The change starts here, it comes from within. I choose to be part of something enormous and creative and infinite. I choose no longer to be 'I'. The powerless, insecure individual called Garalt Canton connects to the all powerful energy of the universe through a simple mental switch.

Here it is: 'I' becomes 'We'.
The individual advances to archetype simply through conscious choice.

What's an archetype?  

It's the word I have chosen to use to describe the completely awakened presence that can exist through the framework of a human being.  It's a tricky thing to picture but imagine the entire sum total of every thing you have ever thought, done, felt, changed, experienced and effected;  Now multiply that by those you relate to and the sum total of their existence.  That's an archetype. Pretty huge and mind-blowing isn't it?

Now let's imagine this at a higher level.  Let's imagine what the archetype of a species might be capable of. Imagine if we no longer thought of ourselves as human or 'low-men' (that's what the word actually means) or smart animals as opposed to dumb animals any more. Imagine if we acknowledged that our unconscious, unthinking impact on our world has been profound and amazing in a frightful manner and then we made the choice to think, diagnose and act in a sentient, awakened manner.

Such a phenomenon as a sentient species would be extraordinary and all powerful, wouldn't it?
Such a thing could have the potential to colonise other worlds and, as our technology and nature advanced, even other galaxies.  Why not?  Life is unending.
Such a thing would be universal, galactic in its potential.  Such a thing could only be measured in the very energy of galactic star-seed dust: Zodi.

So why not identify ourselves with this unstoppable force because this is the actual truth of living existence?

We are Zodi.  Every single one of us is a distinct universe of experience, memory and thought.
We are Zodi.  Every life is full of possibility and opportunity because the nature of Zodi is infinite
We are Zodi.  We have all the authority we require through our own sentience.
We are Zodi.  We combine this sentience at various depths with one another so that we can completely harmonize with everything or we can cause ripples and patterns all of our own.
We are Zodi.  We can create our own universe simply by choosing to do so.
It is that simple.  Welcome to sentience.