Q: How do you heal a dying system that demands the violent loss of human life and the destructive waste of vital resources to maintain its feeble pulse?
A: You don’t.
By revealing the flaw that we humans are considered worthless units in a system not designed to serve our needs, Keynesian Economics has become so corrosive that it is choking the science of Economics as a whole. Keynsean Economics is actually dying because its core assumption that "greed is good" has come up against the nasty truth that we live in a finite world that needs responsible stewarding. Physical truth trumps economic theory every time. Private economists and strategists are aware of this and they have diagnosed the crisis and are adjusting accordingly.
That’s a hugely dangerous situation to leave unsupervised.
Anyone who has studied Economics understands that it is a science without a control group. It exists purely in the realm of theory and there it must stay because it can destroy civilisations.
A geneticist can publish a theory about stem cells in a scientific paper and several other geneticists can then run to their labs and attempt to recreate the experiment to see if they get the same result. That’s a panel of peers who can then adjudge whether a theory is sound or unsound. In the science of Economics, our nations are the laboratory and we are the germs in the Petrie dish. Once we understand that we understand Economists can only think in terms of markets and economies.
‘Society’ is beyond their ken.
Given that economic thought is a mental state that demands hardness against the plight of our fellow humans it is not surprising that Brett Easton Ellis’ “American Psycho” was set in the unforgiving world of cut-throat corporate finance. It is a documented finding of extensive research within this world that people with diminished empathy and people with near maniac levels of self-esteem generally do very well in finance. It is an industry that rewards the very same motives and instincts that result in imprisonment anywhere else.
Now tell these lizard brained ‘Masters of the Universe’ that their gilt edged playpen is about to go bye-bye and watch their response. Actually, 'aggressive sociopath' is a compliment to the top As I said: a hugely dangerous situation.
We are living through a deliberate endgame that will most likely result in a genocide and not one of these nihilistic narcissists will even blink. The mentality that gets you sports cars and yachts in the world of finance is aggressive sociopathy, a disorder that ensures that one is incapable of empathy for one’s fellows and actively seeks to dominate and terrorise. This is the same mentality that criminal gang culture seeks to engender through violent rituals, fundamentalist religions seek to develop using punishment and guilt and the military seeks to impose through intensive training.
This shared need for dehumanisation perfectly explains why at least one these four groups have risen to the top of every society in the world. Frankly, my dears, they don’t give a damn.
We have had this miserable state of affairs for the last 2000 years. Imperial Rome was based on fascism or ‘might is right’. All empires obey this basic rule otherwise they cannot achieve success in warfare and become empires in the first place. Western Civilisation is based solely on the science of conquest and without the strength to conquer other societies no other values can form. Even democracy is the seed that fell from the tree of oppression. The Athenians that gave is the vote kept slaves without a second thought.
Rome, however, built aqueducts and great cities of stone. It brought a higher specialisations of agriculture to their provinces so much so that French cuisine owes a very big debt of thanks to Julius Caesar, the invader from Rome. Rome was the product of a young and largely undiscovered world and so it expanded with the impunity of a civilising force. No western power can lay claim to a crusade of civilisation any more. We have simply caused too much harm.
Rome gave us the word 'Terra' or 'Territory' to describe this amazing planet we live upon, an apt illustration of why the empire had to fail despite it controlling one third of the human population at its height. Rome thought the potential territory was never ending and, in such a universe, fascism is as good or as bad as any other system of human governance. We know better, we see how our parents had no worries over fuel, food, water or even air quality. We have all these problems and more besides. There is a significant religious minority in the US that believes our world is coming to an end. Oddly enough they are joined in this belief by another significant religious minority in the realm of Islam. No prizes for guessing who's who but accepting a genocide as 'pre-ordained' is a very handy conscience silencer, is it not?
Anyone who professes a belief in the "end of days' is a sociopath by the definition of they are looking forward to a genocide where only the people that fit their criteria may survive or be saved. Paradise for the sociopath is a garden of the senses, a paradise garden. Hieronymous Bosch's Triptych "The Garden of Earthly Delights" deals with this mind set perfectly. The narrow rectangular scene of Hell is painted with more loving care and salacious detail than the central depiction paradise itself. This neatly translates to: Paradise for the apocalyptic preacher is more about what other people lose than what he gains. Envy and Pride, right there.
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