We exist! We are part of this amazing, mind blowing, sentient system of light. We belong here. |
“A cosmic change is occurring and we are part of that.”
Definition - zodi (plural: zodi):
The unit of density of zodiacal or life-giving galactic dust.
Definition - Zodi (plural: Zodi):
A human being who identifies with and believes in galactic sentience.
One zodi equals the amount of life-giving zodiacal dust in our solar system. Other solar systems have been revealed to contain densities of up to 500 zodi. That’s 500 times more potential for life than our own solar system which supports the abundance of this planet.
We are literally the product of the stars, be this by divine design or a random coming together of elements attracted by gravity is moot. We, humanity and all the kingdoms of living things from single cell amoeba to blue whales, are all zodi.
Just remember that, we happened with just ONE unit of stardust. We are of the universe, we are because of the universe and we can understand the universe. We have achieved sentience as individuals. This is an enormous step in itself but it remains just one step.
Now is the time for that important second step. Now we must achieve a critical mass of individual sentience to then be capable of thinking and deciding as a species.
I understand that many who read this fourth letter might be turned off by the challenge I have just set. A reasonable person might ask if we have time for this. Can the crisis in our economies and in our political systems be resolved without this daunting step? Resource wars, religious conflict, widespread poverty and starvation, rampant and mutating disease, depleted resources, exploding populations, surely these issues are the priority, right?
None of that is a priority. All of that damage, suffering, hardship, idiocy and evil is caused by the fact that we are stuck on the first step. If we are sentient as a species, nothing that harms us will actually be tolerated. If we are sentient as a species, we are not separated from one another by mere symbols but we enjoy a common awareness and a common trust.
None of that is a priority. All of that damage, suffering, hardship, idiocy and evil is caused by the fact that we are stuck on the first step. If we are sentient as a species, nothing that harms us will actually be tolerated. If we are sentient as a species, we are not separated from one another by mere symbols but we enjoy a common awareness and a common trust.
The amount of spin and lies and false reporting and fear mongering and brutal crackdowns required to keep us apart gets bigger year on year. We have witnessed genuine people power in our lifetimes. We have seen Berlin’s wall being torn down by ordinary people. We have seen the collapse of casual sexual oppression all over the world again by ordinary people. We have trade that actively rejects human slavery and responsibly produces goods that benefit the planet, all started up and maintained by ordinary people.
http://thecnnfreedomproject.blogs.cnn.com |
We possess a free to use communications infrastructure that spans the globe we are not ordinary people we are amazing people. Soon we will devise a common language. It will grow organically out from our present electronic ‘tweets’, ‘blogs’ and ‘posts’ and it will develop into a lingua humanæ that allows everyone to see life from the perspective of everyone else. Our computers already do this. We are clinging to the edge of a very steep cliff because we are terrified of falling but actually we will not fall but fly.
"We will fly" what does that mean?
Whether the protest is about financial corruption of politics, the wasteful abuse of scarce resources, the oppression of minorities, the actual and brutal enslavement of the young and the weak to fight pointless wars, the reaction is the same: civil resistance to those in power over us. We are witnessing a dying system that is lashing out at us for not being able to save it from its own flaws. The Age we living are in is dying and the next age is being born.
Peace! They paid VAT on their Glastonbury tickets. |
The protective herds we live in no longer protect but will inevitably kill us and our offspring.
This is real. This is happening. Nobody is at the top pulling levers and pushing buttons. Even those that can control governments for their own profit are aware that disaster is fast approaching and they feel just as powerless as everyone else to stop it. Mankind is no longer the beast of burden known as ‘consumer’. Like spoilt children that demand and then discard more and more toys, we consumed as if our lives depended on it and all we managed to do was damage ourselves and our home.
"Look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair" |
Here is the ultimate truth about human life on this planet: We are NOT in charge.
Human experience is not a bell curve; there are crises and golden ages, sometimes at the same time. We react violently to even subtle changes in our collective spirit. The material world was invented by man to alienate us from this spirit because it is uncontrollable and volatile but our spirit will not be ignored or denied. We are the body of that spirit.
We are leaving the age of Materialism and Belief. That Age has done what it was supposed to do. Now we are presented with a new challenge. If the first recording of history in our civilisation can be called the ‘birth’ and the struggle for supremacy over older civilisations can be called ‘adolescence’ now is the time for humanity to really grow up and to attain ‘adulthood’. Not just the citizenry of the west but everyone.
We have experienced upheaval after upheaval, revolution after revolution; we have made sudden leaps in technology or psychology or we have fallen into darkness. These cycles happen again and again and are not to be feared. Our history records how previous upheavals were feared and resisted and they happened anyway, indifferent to the will of our leaders. History tells us that resistance is futile. There’s no need to resist the turning of a Stellar Age anyway, it was always going to happen. We were always going to be affected.
We are Zodi, we are made of stars. We are the expression of a universe that moves to its own rhythm and makes things happen for its own purpose. What is happening on the streets of our major cities is perfectly reflected in our night skies. An Age of the stars is turning right before our eyes. Our galaxy is a large wheel. We are on a spoke on that wheel. Within this infinitely complex and multi-dimensional system, our ancient civilisations managed to record some really important stellar and solar events. These events have, over the centuries, been given names and characteristics.
The very same system of star gazing that Nebuchadnezzar used in Ancient Babylon exists today in every newspaper on earth: Horoscopes. Whether you choose to believe in horoscopes or not is irrelevant. Horoscopes are just mankind’s way of tracking the slow movement of celestial bodies in the night sky. Whether a planet is called Jupiter or XTM118 changes nothing about its behaviour. The language of Astrology invites scepticism but that does not refute the physical fact that major upheavals in human history coincide with major stellar events as recorded using the Zodiacal system.
And so here we are again, we have seen the most massive solar flare ever recorded smash against our planet’s radiation belt last spring January and the Middle East went up in arms. The light from a supernova appeared for the very first time in early October and we have worldwide protests against corruption. These could be connected or a coincidence, of course, but we cannot truly assert which is the case. We have not adequately researched the effect of celestial events on the human brain or the human heart. What is undeniable is that the night sky is becoming a very interesting light show indeed. The same stuff that made us is bombarding our world.
I assert that our collective spirit has been energised, awakened. We do not all agree and we do not all know what to do but we challenge what has been carved in stone because we are somehow aware of an upheaval. We are in upheaval because we are in harmony with what is happening around us. Our civilisations, our cities, our technologies amount to mere illusions against the massive galactic energy directed at us right now. What our planet is currently bathing in could be described as the solar wind, or as the ancient Egyptians called it: The breath of the Aten, our sun. Once we strip away our cultural bias and observe what has been recorded by a civilisation that lasted several millennia, we see that we are now having one hell of a solar year! Our star, the source of all life on this planet, the God of Ancient Egypt has spoken. Despite ourselves we are listening and we are responding.
We, the human race have hit a pre-destined moment in our histories from Mayan culture, to Jewish prophesy to Asian calculation and it was always going to be like this because it first happened in the stars long, long ago. Whether you believe in ancient gods or are an atheist the fact that we felt the most enormous solar flare ever recorded is hugely significant and we are equipped with the scientific tools to fully measure the effect this has on our world.
How lucky is that? Luck has nothing to do with it! We have arrived at this specific point with just the right level of technology and understanding to learn from this event. This solar and stellar upheaval will revolutionise our understanding of planets and how to manage them.
We have Mars nearby with handy low gravity moons for a jump off point and beyond that we have a treasure trove of mineral rich asteroids and then a gas giant just waiting to fuel our vessels with a moon called Io as our genetic Petrie dish. It’s as if one step is meant to lead on to the next. Our solar system has been set up so that we may travel to the stars.
One life supporting planet could be theorised as a freak, a miracle, an exceptional oasis in a vast arid desert called space but two?
Two planets that support life is change made real.
Two planets that support life is change made real.
Keppler’s breathable atmosphere and water forming hydrogen gives us a new reality. We are not alone. We live in a densely packed, life supporting and probably intelligent galaxy. If we have found Keppler at the dawn of our star mapping then the probability is we will find many, many more worlds like Keppler. If a world can support life it is nearly inevitable that it does support life. That understanding makes radical change to how we run our civilisations inevitable because if we can see Keppler, Keppler can see us.
We are no longer exclusively bound to this planet, we are no longer Earthmen. We are Zodi.
There will not be war if we truly accept this communion with our universe. There will not be poverty if we invent a self-perpetuating system of energy wealth. There will not be mass starvation if we wisely steward our abundant world and replenish it. The can be no epidemic if we learn to respect microscopic life and turn our diseases into universal resistance.
We are Zodi. We are the 100% of our species awakened into our beautiful and infinite new home called the universe. We apply the universal truth of ℮=MC², that is, humanity learning over time to resolve problems and daring to see infinity because universal energy is infinite.
There is much work to do. We need the brightest minds and the most determined wills to engage with one another. We need symposia on every street corner establishing a Golden Age of energy that knocks Imperial Rome, the Renaissance and the Enlightenment into a cocked hat. This is the greatest time to be alive in the entire history of our species.
I propose that each one of us prepares for a world of free information, abundant resources and universal human freedom. The world we want is before us, it is real and it is the will of our creator universe; Keppler proves that. Now, let us build the bridge from Keppler to here.
I send out these letters to you on New Year’s Day so that the Occupyers can go home and the Tea Partiers can trust their governments again and frightened people can speak and the oppressed can enjoy freedom and mankind can finally find peace in this new challenge.
What I propose is a future so incredibly abundant and rich that the current world of oligarchs will look like the Stone Age by comparison. Those that have drawn up defensive positions be they along ideological, political or religious lines, I urge you to see that your agendas are paltry, finite things that will inevitably fail. Those of you that are engaged in a war of civilisation or of tribe I ask you to consider how the life of your descendants can possibly be better in a world poorer of human difference and variety.
The new Celestial Age according to how we have recorded these events has dawned. Our eyes return to the stars and they are rewarded by a new reality. This is fact. Our frontiers have been pulled out so far that they no longer exist. Our countries, borders, flags and divisions are mere symbols, obscuring the truth that is both new and was at the beginning.
We are humanity confirmed into the fellowship of a living universe. We are Zodi
I sign this letter and give my email address. If you, dear reader, want this world that I have described then contact me and let’s start the ℮volution together. By publishing this as an open letter I declare that the ideas and the text are hereby public domain to be used and developed as the public sees fit be it positive or negative. If you are capable of translating this message, animating it or setting it to Gangsta Rap then feel free; it is open source.
I am also emailing these letters to a small number of people to champion the message for the English speaking word. I don’t expect them all necessarily to agree with what I have written and some I expect to violently disagree with a number of my assertions but I trust in their integrity to find other recipients of this open letter in four parts to whom its message can be of some help.
I have no job, I have no connections or affiliations, I don’t serve any agenda, I seek no sponsorship or wage packet from these letters and I have no preferences other than the interest of humanity as a whole. I will respect everyone’s point of view and their privacy and in return I ask that my email is not hacked, exploited, farmed to telemarketers or secret police. I ask that the little I have is not taken from me. I am not naïve about the internet and who populates it. I have written in good faith and humbly request the same in return.
Garalt Canton (January 1st 2012) – the5thkingdom@gmail.com
We agree with you about money being a barrier to equity and sustainability. See our book, with ten contributors: Life Without Money: Building Fair and Sustainable Economies (Anitra Nelson and Frans Timmerman, eds) published by Pluto Press (London) a couple of months ago and distributed by Palgrave Macmillan in USA and Australia. More details at our website: http://www.lifewithoutmoney.info/ — You don't have to buy it if you order it through your local library.